Thursday, February 08, 2007

When I am 64......

"Any man who concentrates his energies totally on one passion is, by definition, someone who hurts the people close to him".

Have you thought of what you will have achieved by the age of 64 when your balls are nothing but wrinkly? You might not want to think how fast time has really flied. When I was reading this article by a very wise man Arsene Wenger, I thought wow.. he has the edge and philosophy over many people I respect. The insightfuls of the his thoughts were much more than what football has to offer but mind blowing.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Stinking Hot!

Short: What was your favourite moment of CNY? This one climbing up the chart, for me at least...

This summer has nothing short of being HOT! yeah... I mean it is really hot. The unpredictable but rather laughable weather ranging from one day heating up to 41 degrees then dropping like an elephant to 27 the next day. WA being one of the hottest place on the globe? you bet! weather ahhh~ weather, how many times have you done us more than 40 this summer...... sighin'~~~~

Monday, January 15, 2007


There may be time in life where things just inevitably turn against you. It is like worries never seem too short to get you one and another, but it is also like the same damn thing coming over and over again. Don't be afraid of handling your outmost endeavours only be worried where they don't achieve recognition by its own means. Don't take it lightly with the people who have helped you along the way...... need to be kind & generous. Your beautiful heart should be in reconciliation to your family, it is where it should begin with.