Monday, March 27, 2006

When "F" word is considered appropriate

OooOoooPppssss~. Excuse muα, excuse with the "F" word. This photo was a capture of me being unwilling to be taken, it tells a lot how much I hated it when someone taking my photo when I was fully swingy here and there - drunk. Not blaming this brainless people, but that made me really cross and on this occasion I thought it was one of the most appropriate 'opportunity' to use the word "F*** OFF!!!". If the photographer were reading this, I would say "F*** you to the max + one".

Saturday, March 25, 2006

2005/06 Holiday visited

A Holiday I paid briefly on the rolling over year between 2005-06. At that time, I felt engulfted with everything back home owing to the fact that I was not home for about two years. I feel particularly warm with home now.... some memories worth flashing back.

First ever took up a flight with RBA - Royal Brunei Airline

Typical WA - Western Australia lanmarks.

Anything better than that of MAS? More generous 'cos they cater more buns? NO! I requested for it.

Christmas tree? no idea serious...........

An unbelievably cozy house I spent during 2005 post-Christmas seasons...

Twilight of the evening - a nicely presentable but not so fancy restaurant in Miri - Sarawak.

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Finally!! You are offically a graduate. Though we may call each other w*nker, d*umbass, all the swearing words, you name it. But inside, it is just a blessing to have you around, to have you as such a friend that I can't put a word in it at times, and for all feeling so proud of you is a real sense of being in my comfort zone.

Life may not turn out as wonderful as we envigased, and things might just go against us badly. If we take it as a challenge than burden, we may as well prevail the hardship, and to fight for what we think we deserve that makes us a stranger person.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

It Remains Me.

Updating my blog here. The thing that I have not been doing for... ermm.. nearly 6 months? Ridiculous, bad boy bad boy. The above-attached photo may tell how much I have/ haven't changed over the course of 6-month. I will always be the person you folks see me.
It may be just too much and overwhelming for me to wrap up what and how things have been over the period when I was 'missing'. I find a way to utterly stipulate it.....
P/s: Enjoy when you can, endure when you must.
Guns' N' Roses: November Rain