Viewing a movie trailer gives u lots of curiosity, excitement, expectancy etc...... most crucially it is stimulating, instantaneous, directive, inspiring, and thought provoking. The effect of it is right on the spot, making you really desire to see it and uncovering your curiosity. In many cases, it may not turn out as fabulous as what it is perceived in the preview. What leads to afterward would be disappointment, complaint, criticism and in a more extreme case - regret altogether. Would it not make logic if you could reserve the facet of curiosity at the first place by not taking an advanced step? God may put us under the freedom to make choices in life; nevertheless some choices are not meant to be decided upon but to be lived with that comes its way. For example, luv.
Some feelings are not meant to be pursued, likewise some conversion of friendships to loved ones are not supposed to eventuate. Even some solid ground of affection should not be consolidated. Many have claimed that friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship - never. I have learnt to take thing less seriously and not to take it for granted because in some way god may just take away the things you presently want it most, I have also somehow learnt to love someone without wanting the needs of her being by my side, discovering the gratitude of loving somebody by not possessing her but by means of thinking about her on occasions, wishing her happiness and health to be my fulfillment. For now I realise true love expects nothing in return, for the one does is not real but pure investment. Like a movie trailer, the sparkling short-lived scenes & experiences of a crush, even an infatuation, is solidly ever-lasting and most timelessly beautiful if kept deep down inside your heart.
"True love hears what is not spoken, and understands what is not explained, for love doesn't work in the mouth, nor the mind, but in the heart"
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